Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser

Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser

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Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser

Peak Combo Ice Maker and Water Dispenser Front
Peak Combo Ice Maker and Water Dispenser Side

The Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser gives you access to an unlimited supply of ice and cold drinking water to your home, gift shop, storefront or office. Remove the need for heavy lifting of replacement bottles by installing the environmentally friendly Culligan Peak. 

Upgrade the water cooler experience for your employees by offering a steady stream of cold water, together with an endless supply of ice for those hot Californian summery days, in the Chico and throughout Butte County, Glenn County, and Tehama County. The sleek design and practical functionality of the Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser will keep your team hydrated throughout the day.

Features of the Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser include: 

Hot, cold and ambient temperature water

Large water and ice dispensing area to fill both cups and bottles

Makes 44 lbs of ice a day meeting most offices’ needs. 


Stainless steel storage tank capacities:

Cold water: 1.24 gallons (4.69 Liters)

Hot water: 1.21 gallons (4.58 Liters)

Ambient water: 4.46 gallons (16.88 Liters)


The Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water dispenser has a 5 stage purification process, including the Sediment Filter, Pre-Carbon Filter, Duel Reverse Osmosis Membrane,  Mineral Cartridge and the Final Polishing Filter. The purification process brings high quality water to your office so that your staff and customers can enjoy great tasting drinking water, whenever they need a break or when they come in to visit your office or store.  

Call us today to hear more about the Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser. 

Upgrade Your Water, Today!

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Info Sheet – Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Cooler