Keeping your family healthy and safe is important for most. While the water in your home might not be your first concern, maybe it should be. Without testing your water, you don’t know how safe your water really is. Water treatment systems are a great way to keep your family healthy with safe, purified drinking water using a Culligan Water system or protect your home appliances from hard water.
When researching the best water treatment system for your home, it’s challenging to know what information is trustworthy. There are a lot of myths out there about water quality and water filtration systems. Check out the top six facts that debunk some myths about water softeners and filtration systems.
Myth #1: You only need a water treatment system if you have hard water.
Fact: Water problems are not limited to hard water only. While hard water is one of the more common issues for most homes, it’s important to test your water to see what else may be floating around. StandardCulligan in-home water tests will check for hard water, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), pH levels, chlorine, iron, and nitrates. For more detailed results, we send a water sample to a certified lab testing for a range of contaminants, bacteria, and other potential issues. The installation of a water softener is indeed the best solution to treat hard water. If the test results reveal other issues, you may also want to consider a reverse osmosis (RO) system for safe drinking water or a whole home system that sends pure, clean water to every faucet in your home.
Myth #2: Water treatment systems are expensive to maintain and operate.
Fact: Making lifestyle changes for your health always comes with an investment. While some water treatment systems may be more costly than others, most are relatively inexpensive to maintain and operate, as they use less energy than other types of appliances (like dishwashers or microwaves). Another great advantage of water treatment is the life of your appliances is extended! Culligan of Chico offers a range of products that can match your budget. The salt-free conditioner, for example, does not require a connection to electricity or backwashing, so you’re saving on both water and electricity costs. For those looking for alternative purchasing options, Culligan of Chico offers our portable exchange service as well as rental or financing plans, allowing you to install a water filtration system at an affordable price that makes sense for you and your family.
Myth #3: City water is cleaned to the highest standards
Fact: Many people believe that since municipal water is treated, it doesn’t need to be treated any further. whole house water filters. However, chlorine used during the treatment process is a major concern and can not only cause unpleasant odors problems but can dry out your skin! When taking a closer look at Chico, Butte County, and the surrounding areas, the main water source for most homes is either municipal or private wells. Well, water can vary in terms of its quality. In Chico alone, there are multiple wells serving the city, and water tests have shown differing water hardness, contaminants, and chemical residue. For those with private wells, which are not regulated, you may not know what is actually in your water without testing. Having your water tested is important to know what is in your water and what course of treatment would be best.
Myth #4: Drinking water purifiers remove minerals my body needs
Fact: Well, yes and no. The truth is, your body receives the majority of minerals needed from a healthy diet! In fact, the minerals found in unfiltered water are almost negligible. Not to mention, those minerals are not easily absorbed into the body due to limited bioavailability (only 1% of the calcium in water is absorbed by the body, whereas 85% is absorbed from one cup of broccoli). Furthermore, unfiltered water may contain harmful contaminants and bacteria that could have adverse health effects, which defeats the purpose of drinking unfiltered water for minerals! So, while drinking water purifiers do remove the smallest amount of minerals that your body can hardly absorb, they mainly remove those harmful contaminants and bacteria that can harm your health! With the optional Mineral Boost Culligan Filters tasty minerals can be added to the water to give great water an even better taste.
Myth #5: Water softeners, water filters, and water purifiers are all the same!
Fact: Water softeners remove calcium, iron, and magnesium to reduce the hardness levels of your water. This is great for eliminating build-up on your shower heads, that chalky film in your shower, spotty dishes, and so much more. However, for water ideal for drinking, cooking, and brewing your coffee, you need to remove harmful contaminants with a drinking water system that will filter out contaminants that have dissolved into the water. Water purification, such as reverse osmosis systems, and the Hans Premium by Culligan system are the standard for the purest form of drinking water! Using a five-step filtration process, drinking water purifiers take it a step further by ensuring your water is the best water.
Myth #6: Off-the-shelf water filters are just as good as whole-house water filters.
Fact: Off-the-shelf water filters are only made for drinking, using a sole carbon filter which mainly removes chlorine from your water. Without a whole house water filter, you’re missing out on the benefits of clean water for cooking, cleaning, washing, and showering. Not to mention improving your home maintenance costs. Additionally, off-the-shelf water filters are only good for removing certain odors and tastes from your drinking water. Unlike a reverse osmosis system and its multiple-stage filtration process, off-the-shelf water filters fail to remove other contaminants you may be drinking. If you want to upgrade from the pitcher to the purest and highest quality drinking water, give us a call to find out more about our drinking water filtration options.
There are so many myths about water filtration that it can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, we are here to help you find the best solutions for your water! Contact Culligan Water of Chico to have your water tested for free and get all the facts about drinking water treatment systems.