Clearing The Waters: A Day In The Life Of A Culligan Pro

Written by Shelly Brandon for Upgraded Living

In the heart of Chico, California, where the tap water tells a tale of what lies beneath, there roams a modern-day hydration hero- the Culligan Water Expert. With an arsenal of water testing kits and unwavering dedication to water safety, this water professional transforms what flows from every faucet into a source of clarity. Each day brings a new adventure in pursuit of purity… Water purity. Ensuring that the safety of Chico’s homes and businesses runs crisp and clean. Follow along as we dive into a day in the life of Chico’s unsung guardian of water safety.

The PFAS Problem

In the midst of a routine day, our Culligan professional makes a startling discovery. Utilizing the latest Culligan PFAS testing kit—a remarkable tool in the arsenal against modern water contaminants—He detects levels of PFAS that are a staggering four times the legal limit. This puts Chico’s tap water alarmingly high on the EPA’s hazard index, deeming it non-potable by federal standards. This crucial finding not only underscores the necessity of thorough water testing but also highlights the critical role Culligan plays in safeguarding the community’s health. With expertise and cutting-edge technology, Culligan stands as a vigilant protector, ensuring that the water swirling in your glass is not just clear but genuinely clean.

Hard Water Woes

Later in the day, on a seemingly ordinary visit, our Culligan professional in Chico unfolds a tale of transformation right in a client’s kitchen. Armed with Culligan’s complimentary in-home water test, he uncovers the hidden culprit behind the spotty dishes and lackluster laundry: hard water. With a twinkle in his eye and a solution at hand, the professional recommends the Aquasential Smart High Efficiency (HE) Water Softener. This system, touted as Culligan’s knight in shining armor for hard water havoc, promises to revitalize household water usage, ensuring that every drop performs as it should. It’s more than just a recommendation; it’s a path to softer skin, brighter clothes, and a longer life for appliances. Once again, Culligan’s expertise turns a water woe into a water win, ensuring the client’s water flows as smoothly as silk.


Well… That’s Concerning

On his final quest to quench Chico’s water problems, our Culligan water professional finds himself In the tranquil outskirts of Chico. A homeowner’s well, often a private oasis, becomes a concern when our Culligan professional discovers unwelcome guests lurking in its depths. During a meticulous evaluation using Culligan’s free in-home water test, the expert detects a troublesome trio: nitrates, bacteria, and various other contaminants. These findings highlight the hidden dangers of relying on untreated well water. Swiftly, the Culligan professional advises the installation of a Culligan Reverse Osmosis System, renowned for its ability to purify and protect. This system is not just a filter; it’s a fortress, ensuring that every sip of water is as safe as it is refreshing. For this Chico homeowner, Culligan’s solution turns potential peril into peace of mind with crystal-clear, contaminant-free water.


As the sun sets over Chico, our Culligan professional wraps up another day dedicated to battling buildup and banishing bacteria. His daily journey through our community underscores a simple truth: water problems do not have to be a part of your daily routine. With Culligan of Chico at your service, the path to pristine water is just a call away. Whether it’s hard water wreaking havoc on your appliances, concerns about contaminants, or just the quest for a better-tasting brew, trust in the local expertise that keeps Chico’s water worries at bay. Let Culligan bring the solution right to your doorstep, ensuring every drop from your tap is as safe as it is refreshing.


Contact your Chico hydration hero at 530-343-5100 to schedule your free in-home water consultation. If you are concerned about PFAS in your water, ask your Culligan man about our new PFAS testing kit.


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